engineering leadership

Unpacking the POD Model: Transforming Teams in the DevOps Era

Unpacking the POD Model: Transforming Teams in the DevOps Era

3 min read

The POD Model transforms large dev teams into smaller, self-sufficient units, boosting agility and efficiency in software development. It emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction but requires careful management to avoid resource strain and siloing.

Handling Difficult Clients in Software Development

Handling Difficult Clients in Software Development

8 min read

In software development, managing difficult clients involves active listening, clear communication, and setting transparent expectations. This brief guide underscores the importance of staying calm and educating clients on the process, ensuring projects remain on track despite challenges.

6 Key Strategies for Effective Management of Managers

6 Key Strategies for Effective Management of Managers

7 min read

Being a manager's manager involves more than technical skills; it's about strategic thinking and understanding the 'why' behind decisions. This guide covers nurturing your managers, active listening, insightful questioning, inspiring your team, effective communication, and leading by example.

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